# | Name | Released at |
53 | Kat - 666 | 1986-05 |
69 | Turbo - Kawaleria Szatana | 1986 |
97 | Anthem - Praeposterum | 1986 |
77 | Kat - Oddech wymarłych światów | 1987 |
66 | Dragon - Twarze | 1988 |
48 | Dragon - Fallen Angel | 1990 |
60 | Dragon - Scream of Death | 1991 |
84 | Kat - Ballady | 1993 |
44 | Acid Drinkers - Fishdick | 1994-06-01 |
40 | Alastor - Zło | 1994 |
67 | Dragon - Sacrifice | 1994 |
30 | Xantotol - Thus Spake Zaratustra | 1995 |
89 | Sacrilegium - Wicher | 1996-04-11 |
24 | Kat - Bądź Wariatem - Zagraj Z Katem | 1996 |
1 | Acid Drinkers - Acid Drinkers - Fishdick Zwei | 1997 |
21 | Acid Drinkers - Amazing Atomic Activity | 1999-05-17 |
78 | Sparagmos - Conflict | 1999 |
87 | Ad Noctum - Announced In Whispers | 1999 |
19 | Misteria - Masquerade of Shadows | 2000-11-15 |
26 | Corruption - Pussyworld | 2002-08-27 |
9 | Monstrum - Demo 2002 | 2002 |
17 | Hunter - Medeis | 2003-03-07 |
14 | Azarath - Infernal Blasting | 2003-12-15 |
32 | Monstrum - Za Horyzontem Ciszy | 2004-11-06 |
7 | Rootwater - Under | 2004 |
99 | Hunter - T.E.L.I... | 2005-05-30 |
70 | Iperyt - Particular Hatred | 2005-08-01 |
10 | Corruption - Virgin's Milk | 2005-11-28 |
22 | Krusher - The Beast Within | 2005 |
15 | Privateer - The Traitors | 2006 |
18 | Privateer - Privateer - The Traitors | 2006 |
37 | Monstrum - VIII Dzień Tygodnia | 2007-01-05 |
85 | Witchking - Witchking | 2007-07-16 |
5 | Ketha - III-ia | 2007-12-00 |
98 | Hesperus Dimension - Mental Electricity Mmvii | 2007-12-01 |
58 | Ebola - Infernal Revelation | 2007-12-17 |
50 | Privateer - Origami | 2007 |
2 | Acid Drinkers - Verses of Steel | 2008-07-07 |
47 | Kat - Noce Szatana / Ostatni Tabor | 2008-07-28 |
59 | Actum Inferni - Birth Of Black Aeon | 2008 |
72 | Dragon - Horde of Gog | 2008 |
76 | Thoth - From the Abyss of Dungeons of Darkness | 2008 |
86 | Dahak - Arkana Wężowej Mądrości | 2009-03 |
27 | Leichengott - Ostrza | 2009-10-05 |
46 | FDS - XII.07 | 2009-12-03 |
3 | Titus Tommy Gunn - La Peneratica Svavolya | 2009 |
13 | CSSABA - toxic CSSABA | 2009 |
28 | Actum Inferni - Kres Panowania Ery Ludzi | 2009 |
88 | Leichengott - Cyrograf | 2009 |
16 | Terminal - Tree of lie | 2010-02-26 |
8 | Corruption - Bourbon River Bank | 2010-03-09 |
92 | Duszę Wypuścił - Ludowy Nihilizm Absolutny | 2010-04-17 |
25 | Quo Vadis - Infernal Chaos | 2010-06-09 |
90 | Pathfinder - Beyond The Space, Beyond The Time | 2010-08-04 |
68 | Cross of Iron - demons of war | 2010 |
45 | Actum Inferni - The Embodiment Of Death | 2011-02 |
6 | Azarath - Blasphemers' Maledictions | 2011-06-29 |
31 | Plaga - Pożeracze Słońc | 2011-08 |
51 | Seagulls Insane and Swans Deceased Mining Out the Void - Seagulls Insane and Swans Deceased Mining Out the Void | 2011-11-25 |
62 | FDS - Nagranie z muzyką naiwną | 2011-12-14 |
49 | Persecutor - Bestial Overkill | 2011 |
79 | Licho - Licho | 2011 |
42 | Sytris - Confessions of the fall | 2012-09 |
56 | Acid Drinkers - La Part Du Diable | 2012-10-19 |
41 | Hunter - Królestwo | 2012-11-06 |
81 | Dead Mind - Mental Confrontation | 2012-12-02 |
23 | CSSABA - Underground lo-fi Songs | 2012-12-06 |
52 | Crepusculum - Illuminatus | 2013-01-26 |
38 | Plaga - Magia gwiezdnej entropii | 2013-04 |
74 | Othalan - Przedświt | 2013-11-07 |
29 | Kat - Rarities | 2013-11-12 |
83 | Furia - Nocel | 2014-10-16 |
20 | Witchmaster - Antichristus Ex Utero | 2014-10-28 |
65 | Raging Death - Raging Death | 2015-04-25 |
43 | Stillborn - Testimonio de Bautismo | 2016-02-27 |
54 | The Sixpounder - True To Yourself | 2016-04-08 |
12 | Deus Mortem - Demons of Matter and the Shells of the Dead | 2016-09-30 |
93 | Warfist - Metal to the Bone | 2016-10-30 |
36 | Nocny Kochanek - Zdrajcy Metalu | 2017-01-13 |
91 | Legalize Crime - Beat The Law | 2017-03-30 |
96 | Zagłada - End of Existence | 2017-04-10 |
34 | Licho - Podnoszenie czarów | 2017-06-21 |
63 | Biesy - Noc Lekkich Obyczajów | 2017-09-09 |
64 | Nyctophilia - Dwelling in the Fullmoon Light | 2017-09-18 |
39 | Cisza - If it is True What the Prophets write | 2017-11-13 |
80 | Nyctophilia - Darkness Calls Upon Me | 2018-02-18 |
73 | Furia - Księżyc Milczy Luty | 2018-05-19 |
11 | Truchło Strzygi - Pora Umierać | 2018-06-01 |
33 | Ars Magna Umbrae - Lunar Ascension | 2018-10-05 |
94 | Behemoth - I Loved You at Your Darkest | 2018-10-05 |
82 | Zamieć - Trup | 2018 |
95 | Perpetual - Blackening of the Future | 2018 |
4 | Truchło Strzygi - Nad Którymi Nie Czuwa Żaden Stróż | 2019-02-15 |
35 | Kat & Roman Kostrzewski - Popiór | 2019-03-01 |
61 | Shadow Warrior - Return Of The Shadow Warrior | 2019-06-17 |
71 | Nyctophilia - Bezdeń | 2019-09-05 |
75 | ciern - ciern | 2020-02-18 |
57 | CETI - Oczy Martwych Miast | 2020-02-21 |
55 | Pussy Busters - Pussy Busters | 2020 |
100 | Procez - Pierwsze Sześć | 2021-07-30 |